UAB Autopsa is committed to protecting your privacy and, in accordance with the lawful, fair and transparent principle, to taking responsibility for the security of your information. This personal data processing policy sets out the basic guidelines and principles that we undertake to comply with and that we undertake to process when we process your data.

This privacy policy regulates the principles, conditions and procedure for the collection, processing and storage of personal data of the customers of UAB Autopsa, Autopsa electronic store

You provide personal data to UAB Autopsa voluntarily. UAB Autopsa must process personal data due to a legitimate interest in order to enter into agreements with you, to properly fulfill the obligations and / or other legal obligations accepted against you. Without data, UAB Autopsa will not be able to conclude transactions with you, fulfill your orders, supply the necessary goods, provide the necessary services.

Data controller details:
UAB Autopsa
Head office address: M. Sleževičiaus st. 13, Vilnius
Tel. +370 685 49419
El. e-mail:
VAT payer code: LT249429415

It is very important that you read the Privacy Policy carefully, because every time you visit a website owned by the Data Controller, you agree to the terms and conditions described in this Privacy Policy.

We confirm that the data of visitors to the Data Controller’s website will be collected in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal acts of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania and the instructions of the controlling authorities. All reasonable technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the data we collect about visitors to the site from loss, unauthorized use and alteration.

Individuals under the age of 16 may not provide any personal information through our website. If you are a person under the age of 16, you must obtain the consent of your parents or other legal guardians before providing personal information.

The data processing policy has been developed and the concepts are understood in accordance with the 2016 April 27 Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 (hereinafter – the General Data Protection Regulation), the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts applicable to the protection of personal data.

We reserve the right to unilaterally change this Privacy Policy at any time in our sole discretion by posting new text on our website.

Principles of data processing

With regard to your data, the data is processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner;
Your data will be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and will not be further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes, except as provided in the General Data Protection Regulation;
Your data is adequate, relevant and only necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest;
Your data is accurate and updated as needed;
The data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of your data for no longer than is necessary for the specified purposes (with the exceptions provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation);

What data we process and why

Personal data is any information related to you that allows us to identify you: your name, contact details, order reference number, telephone number, email address, payment details and information about your access to our website, e-shops .

We collect data to enable us to enter into and execute contracts with customers (buyers) and suppliers, including the recovery of arrears from defaulting buyers (legal basis: processing is necessary to fulfill the contract; processing is also necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company and you when The Company handles the personal data of the representatives specified by you authorized to maintain contact with the Company), mandatory accounting of economic operations (legal basis: fulfillment of legal obligations applicable to the Company), analytics of economic operations (statistics) (legal basis: legitimate interests of the Company to analyze its business operations and keep statistics on them) and provide information related to the contract and beyond (eg changes in contract terms, price changes, etc.). In most cases, we will process your data so that we can deliver the goods to you. For direct marketing matters, contacting you and providing information about ongoing promotions, new, additional products, product changes, providing technical information, informing about ongoing trainings, events, personal data used to transport people to flights, hotels, participating in games, winners are announced in lotteries, promotions, using the relevant personal data, publishing, publishing the personal data of the beneficiaries, images, location of the event, personal data used for issuing certificates for organizing trainings, personal images for issuing certificates